Visual Changes Skin Care International

Repair, Prevent, & Protect Your Skin from Aging
with one of the
Visual Changes®…
Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Systems


The Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Systems contain
Powerhouse Products that can help
You Achieve Incredible Visual Changes® in Your Skin!



  • The skin can look chronologically older than it is.
  • Loss of collagen, resulting in noticeable lines to significant wrinkles.
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity, resulting in relaxed to sagging skin.
  • Mild and light yellowish (to tawny) to dark brown pigmented spots.
  • The skin can be dull, dry and thinning with slower cell turnover and a moderate to significant appearance of spider veins (telangiactases).

The good news is, by combining a healthy lifestyle and the advice of your Visual Changes® skin care specialists along with one of the Visual Changes® Anti­Aging Skin Rejuvenation Systems, you can repair, prevent, and protect against some of the aging process.

Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation System

Blending Nature with Science to Create
Visual Changes
® in Your Skin!



Factors that determine how our skin ages are broken down into two categories, genetic and environmental.

  • The genetic factors are predetermined by our genes and are only responsible for about 10 to 20% of the effects of aging.
  • Environmental damage is responsible for about 80 to 90% of the effects of aging.

Aging factors can be further broken down into internal factors and external factors.

  • Internal factors include free radicals, poor nutrition, consumption of alcohol, tobacco smoke, environmental pollutants, stress, lack of sleep, decrease of estrogen, transepidermal water loss, protein glycation, inflammation, and destructive enzymes.
  • External factors include UV light, the weather such as wind, heat, cold, and environmental pollutants.


Open the Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Home Care Regimen normal to dry
Open the Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Home Care Regimen normal to oily
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Legal Note: The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only. It does not replace the need to consult with a skin care professional. Before using any skin care products or treatments, please consult a skin care professional.


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